- Fröhlich T, Mai C, Bogautdinov RP, Morozkina SN, Shavva AG, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF, Tsogoeva SB. Synthesis of Tamoxifen-Artemisinin and Estrogen-Artemisinin Hybrids Highly Potent Against Breast
and Prostate Cancer. Chem Med Chem. 2020
- Simon N, Sperber C, Voigtländer C, Born J, Gilbert DF, Seyferth S, Lee G, Kappes B, Friedrich O. Improved stability of polyclonal antibodies: a case study with lyophilization‐conserved
antibodies raised against epitopes from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2019
- Aschenbrenner D, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. 3D-printed lab-on-a-chip platform for chemical stimulation and parallel analysis of ion channel function. Micromachines. 2019
- Kahl M, Gertig M, Hoyer P, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Ultra-low-cost 3D bioprinting: Modification & application of an off-the-shelf desktop 3D-printer for biofabrication. Front
Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019
- Schmitt M, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Portoporator©: A portable low-cost electroporation device for gene transfer to cultured cells in biotechnology, biomedical research and education.
Biosens Bioelectron. 2019
- Gilbert DF, Mofrad SA, Friedrich O, Wiest J. Proliferation characteristics of cells cultured under periodic vs. static conditions. Cytotechnology. 2019
- Scharin-Mehlmann M, Haering A, Rommel M, Dirnecker T, Friedrich O, Frey L, Gilbert DF. Nano- and micro-patterned S-, H- and X-PDMS for cell-based applications: Comparison of wettability,
roughness and cell-derived parameters. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. – Biomaterials. 2018
- Schneidereit D, Tschernich J, Friedrich O, Scharin-Mehlmann M, Gilbert DF. 3D printed reusable cell culture chamber with integrated electrodes for electrical stimulation and parallel microscopic
evaluation. 3D Print Addit Manuf. 2018
- Milanos S, Kuenzel K, Gilbert DF, Janzen D, Sasi M, Buettner A, Frimurer TM, Villmann C. Structural changes at the myrtenol backbone reverse its positive allosteric potential into inhibitory
GABAA receptor modulation. Biol Chem. 2018
- Resheq YJ, Menzner AK, Bosch J, Tickle J, Li KK, Wilhelm A, Hepburn E, Murihead G, Curbishley SM, Zimmermann HW, Bruns T, Gilbert DF, Mackensean A, Weston CJ, Adams DH. Impaired
Transmigration of Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells across Human Sinusoidal Endothelium is associated with Decreased Expression of CD13. J Immunol. 2017
- Abolpour Mofrad S, Kuenzel K, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. On the generation of efficient methodologies for cell-based toxicity screening by comparative protocol analysis and optimization. Single
Cell Biology. 2017
- Schneidereit D, Kraus L, Meier JC, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Step-by-step guide to building an inexpensive 3D printed motorized positioning stage for automated high-content screening microscopy.
Biosens Bioelectron. 2017
- Gilbert DF, Stebbing M, Kuenzel K, Murphy RM, Zacharewicz E, Buttgereit A, Stokes L, Adams DJ, Friedrich O. Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and purinergic receptor-mediated Ca2+ homeostasis in
murine BV2 microglia cells: early cellular responses to ATP-mediated microglia activation. Front Mol Neurosci. 2016
- Spitzer P, Condic Mateja, Herrmann M, Oberstein TJ, Scharin-Mehlmann M, Gilbert DF, Friedrich O, Grömer T, Kornhuber J, Lang R, Maler JM. Amyloidogenic amyloid ß-peptide variantes induce
microglial agglutination and exert antimicrobial activity. Sci Rep. 2016
- Abolpour Mofrad S, Kuenzel K, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Optimizing neuronal differentiation of human pluripotent NT2 stem cells in monolayer cultures. Dev Growth Differ. 2016
- Gilbert DF, Boutros M. A Protocol for a High-Throughput Multiplex Cell Viability Assay. Methods Mol Biol. 2016
- Kuenzel K, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. A Recombinant Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Line Stably Expressing Halide-Sensitive YFP-I152L for GABAAR and GlyR-Targeted High-Throughput Drug Screening and
Toxicity Testing. Front Mol Neurosci. 2016
- Dakhil H, Gilbert DF, Malhotra D, Limmer A, Engelhardt H, Amtmann A, Hansmann J, Hübner H, Buchholz R, Friedrich O, Wierschem A. Measuring average rheological quantities of cell monolayers in the
linear viscoelastic regime. Rheologica Acta. 2016
- Menzner AK, Abolpour Mofrad S, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Towards in vitro DT/DNT testing: Assaying chemical susceptibility in early differentiating NT2 cells. Toxicology. 2015
- Walzik MP, Vollmar V, Lachnit T, Dietz H, Haug S, Bachmann H, Fath M, Aschenbrenner D, Abolpour Mofrad S, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. A portable low-cost long-term live-cell imaging platform for
biomedical research and education. Biosens Bioelectron. 2015
- Wrosch JK, Volbers B, Gölitz P, Gilbert DF, Schwab S, Dörfler A, Kornhuber J, Groemer TW. Feasibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Ischemic Stroke Territory Recognition Based on Two-Dimensional
Projections of Three-Dimensional Diffusion MRI Data. Front Neurol. 2015
- Börner K, Niopek D, Cotugno G, Kaldenbach M, Pankert T, Willemsen J, Zhang X, Schürmann N, Mockenhaupt S, Serva A, Hiet MS, Wiedtke E, Castoldi M, Starkuviene V, Erfle H, Gilbert DF,
Bartenschlager R, Boutros M, Binder M, Streetz K, Kräusslich HG, Grimm D. Robust RNAi enhancement via human Argonaute-2 overexpression from plasmids, viral vectors and cell lines. Nucleic Acids Res.
- Jung J, Weisenburger S, Albert S, Gilbert DF, Friedrich O, Eulenburg V, Kornhuber J, Groemer TW. Performance of scientific cameras with different sensor types in measuring dynamic processes in
fluorescence microscopy. Microsc Res Tech. 2013
- Balansa W, Islam R, Fontaine F, Piggott AM, Zhang H, Xiao X, Webb TI, Gilbert DF, Lynch JW, Capon RJ. Sesterterpene glycinyl-lactams: a new class of glycine receptor modulator from Australian
marine sponges of the genus Psammocinia. Org Biomol Chem. 2013
- Balansa W, Islam R, Gilbert DF, Fontaine F, Xiao X, Zhang H, Piggott AM, Lynch JW, Capon RJ. Australian marine sponge alkaloids as a new class of glycine-gated chloride channel receptor
modulator. Bioorg Med Chem. 2013
- Kuhns S, Schmidt KN, Reymann J, Gilbert DF, Neuner A, Hub B, Carvalho R,Wiedemann P, Zentgraf H, Erfle H, Klingmüller U, Boutros M, Pereira G. The microtubule affinity regulating kinase MARK4
promotes axoneme extension during early ciliogenesis. J Cell Biol. 2013
- Talwar S, Lynch JW, Gilbert DF. Fluorescence-based high-throughput functional profiling of ligand-gated ion channels at the level of single cells. PLoS One. 2013
- Edwards JN, Blackmore DG, Gilbert DF, Murphy RM, Launikonis BS. Store-operated calcium entry remains fully functional in aged mouse skeletal muscle despite a decline in STIM1 protein expression.
Aging Cell. 2011
- Gilbert DF, Erdmann G, Zhang X, Fritzsche A, Demir K, Jaedicke A, Muehlenberg K, Wanker EE, Boutros M. A novel multiplex cell viability assay for high-throughput RNAi screening. PLoS One.
- Gebhardt FM, Mitrovic AD, Gilbert DF, Vandenberg RJ, Lynch JW, Dodd PR. Exon-skipping splice variants of excitatory amino acid transporter-2 (EAAT2) form heteromeric complexes with full-length
EAAT2. J Biol Chem. 2010
- Chung SK, Vanbellinghen JF, Mullins JG, Robinson A, Hantke J, Hammond CL, Gilbert DF, Freilinger M, Ryan M, Kruer MC, Masri A, Gurses C, Ferrie C, Harvey K, Shiang R, Christodoulou J, Andermann
F, Andermann E, Thomas RH, Harvey RJ, Lynch JW, Rees MI. Pathophysiological mechanisms of dominant and recessive GLRA1mutations in hyperekplexia. J Neurosci. 2010
- Balansa W, Islam R, Fontaine F, Piggott AM, Zhang H, Webb TI, Gilbert DF, Lynch JW, Capon RJ. Ircinialactams: subunit-selective glycine receptor modulators from Australian sponges of the family
Irciniidae. Bioorg Med Chem. 2010
- Gilbert DF, Meinhof T, Pepperkok R, Runz H. DetecTiff: a novel image analysis routine for high-content screening microscopy. J Biomol Screen. 2009
- Gilbert DF, Wilson JC, Nink V, Lynch JW, Osborne GW. Multiplexed labeling of viable cells for high-throughput analysis of glycine receptor function using flow cytometry. Cytometry A.
- Gilbert DF, Islam R, Lynagh T, Lynch JW, Webb TI. High Throughput Techniques for Discovering New Glycine Receptor Modulators and their Binding Sites. Front Mol Neurosci. 2009
- Gilbert D, Esmaeili A, Lynch JW. Optimizing the expression of recombinant alphabetagamma GABAA receptors in HEK293 cells for high-throughput screening. J Biomol Screen. 2009
- Bartz F, Kern L, Erz D, Zhu M, Gilbert D, Meinhof T, Wirkner U, Erfle H, Muckenthaler M, Pepperkok R, Runz H. Identification of cholesterol-regulating genes by targeted RNAi screening. Cell
Metab. 2009
- Gilbert D, Funk K, Dekowski B, Lechler R, Keller S, Möhrlen F, Frings S, Hagen V. Caged capsaicins: New tools for the examination of TRPV1 channels in somatosensory neurons. Chembiochem.
- Gilbert D, Franjic-Würtz C, Funk K, Gensch T, Frings S, Möhrlen F. Differential maturation of chloride homeostasis in primary afferent neurons of the somatosensory system. Int J Dev Neurosci.
- Kruger W, Gilbert D, Hawthorne R, Hryciw DH, Frings S, Poronnik P, Lynch JW. A yellow fluorescent protein-based assay for high-throughput screening of glycine and GABAA receptor chloride
channels. Neurosci Lett. 2005
Other Publications
- Schmitt MA, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. Der Portoporator. Laborjournal 2019
- Kahl M, Lesko C, Friedrich O, Gilbert DF. 3D-Biodrucker für 150 Euro. Laborjournal 2019
- Gilbert DF. Maßgeschneiderte Methoden und Technologien für high content imaging, Wissenschaft Special: High Content Imaging Methoden der Bildgebung. Biospektrum. 2017
- Schneidereit D, Gilbert DF. Positioniertisch im Eigenbau. Laborjournal. 2017
- Kuenzel K, Mofrad SA, Gilbert DF. Phenotyping Cellular Viability by Functional Analysis of Ion Channels: GlyR-Targeted Screening in NT2-N Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2017
- Menzner AK, Gilbert DF. A Protocol for In Vitro High-Throughput Chemical Susceptibility Screening in Differentiating NT2 Stem Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2017
- Dakhil, H., Wierschem, A., Gilbert, D. F., Amtmann, A., Hübner, H., Buchholz, R. and Friedrich, O. Viscoelastic Measurements of Cells in a Rotational Rheometer. Chemie Ingenieur Technik.
- Gilbert DF, Jaedicke A, Boutros M, Hochdurchsatz-Screening von Wirkstoff- und Signalweg-Interaktionen, Blitzlicht Krebsforschung, RNA-Interferenz & Co., Laborwelt Nr. 1/2010.
- Gilbert DF, Chemische Substanzen in vitro kostengünstig und schnell auf giftige Wirkung hin untersuchen, Umweltgifte als Auslöser von Lern-und Entwicklungsstörungen?, Medizin Schwerpunktthema,
Wissenschaftsmagazin für den Kinderarzt, Der niedergelassene Arzt, 5/2013
- Gilbert DF, Friedrich O (Editors). Cell Viability Assays, Methods and Protocols. Methods Mol Biol. Methods in Springer New York, 2017
- Fuchs F, Gilbert D, Koch C, Maskey RP, Steinbrink S, Boutros M. Tricyclic pyrimidine derivatives as wnt antagonists. 2014.
- Lane HA, Bachmann F, Breuleux M, Boutros M, Gilbert D, Zhang X. Use of bubr1 as a biomarker of drug response to furazanobenzimidazoles. 2014.
- Boutros M, Maskey RP, Koch C, Fuchs F, Steinbrink S, Gilbert D. Chromene derivatives and their analoga as wnt pathway antagonists. 2013.
- Gilbert D, Friedrich O, Miedl W, Wörl HH. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Nachweis von Bakterien. European Patent 2015
- Gilbert D, Friedrich O, Miedl W, Wörl HH. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Nachweis von Bakterien. Patent pending, Worldwide Patent APplication based on EPO Application 2015